cerita-cerita di bulan february 2019

I've been so lazyyyy to continue writing about our trip to Puerto Rico... uhm.. bukan writingnya yang males sih tapi milihin en upload fotonyaaa yang terlalu banyak.. lol..

Weather been better this past few days so i manage to have a playdate for baby K yesterday.. and pas pulang si bebi nya langsung pules kecapekan maen.. Yang lucunya begitu dia bangun.. Langsung dia ambil sepatunya terus kasih ke gw.. kasih kode gt biar maen lagi keluar.. and again pas malemnya si suami pulang, lagi-lagi si bebi nyodorin sepatunya dia ke bapake en bapaknya yang terharu gt.. wkwkw..

hubby said he feels bad for baby k soalnya kita ga kemana-mana.. um.. bukannya ga mau tapi cuaca di luar dingin extreme (Tahun lalu ga sampe begini deh).. Males juga keluar rumah, mendingan netflix and chill? hahaha boro-boro! yang ada tv isinya sekarang baby shark, daddy finger, sama elmo! lol!

Si baby K juga sekarang makin tinggi, yang dulunyaa kalo kita tutup pintu dia ga bisa buka (karena tingginya ga sampe buat megang handle ) sekarang udah bisa aja donk! En kalo dia kecapekan bukannya bobo malah cranky.. akhirnya kita bikinin dia hammock mini en sukses dia seneng tidur sana! tetep kita pindahin ke ranjang sih kalo dia dah pules..Kalo kata nyokap sih ya kenapa ga dari dulu aja gt? hahaha.. ya better late than never lah ya

Kalo untuk order kerjaan, puji Tuhan sampe sekarang masih banyak customer nya.. padahal gw ga promosi or do any marketing lagi sejak awal desember kemarin, somehow they found me.. bener-bener ya the power of mouth to mouth itu luar biasa! yang penting kita harus berikan yang terbaik.. mereka akan recommend kita, dari temen ke temen, ke sodara, dll.. bahkan om nya laki gw punya bisnis dah 15 tahun cuma dari modal mouth to mouth loh.. ga promosi ga apa.. and he thrive on it!

Anyway im very thankful but honestly feel burn out.. Taking care of an active toddler is exhausting and every chance i get to rest i use it to fill the order, for the house chores i tried to simplified everything and obviously asking husband to help with the dishes and clean the floor and toilet.. the only thing i still do everyday is cooking for us and laundry 2x a week. With all that, im still exhausted everyday and when it came to my birthday few days ago.. i hit my lowest..

My husband been nothing but super sweet.. For valentine's day he give me a bunch of flowers and chocolate..

it sit nicely on my desk now :)

And the day after which is my birthday, he surprised me with an ice cream cake and we went to eat sushi!

However i still feel horrible, bahkan masak mie goreng aja kepedesan (i always tried to eat noodle for my birthday) . My mom even said ," bikin aja indomie, gt aja kok repot!" lol.. my mom is funny!
Anyway i was in the pity party, i feel super drained and i don't want to do anything but lay down and sleep.. which didn't happen.. because my baby obviously need my attention.. and no matter how crap i feel, she must be fed, her nappy must be change regularly, and i need to be there for her...

I start to question, why i start this business? i even think to only have one kid, because its so hard.. One and done..

luckily on the weekend i told my husband how i felt and he let me take a break.. i don't do any order on that particular weekend (well it can wait anyway) and he stay with the baby the whole day.. i catch up on sleep and feel much better already!

i don't quit but i rest and that's all i need..

I keep doing the work i love and for another baby?

I think the earliest i can try for number 2 will be early 2020... reasons for that..

1. with my sister finishing her study in 2020, my mom will finally free.. and there's possibility my sister will come here and study further in here.. that means my mom can live with me here in USA.. and that will be a great help.. at least for the first year after i give birth for baby #2

2. This year we gonna make a big move.. masih di USA just another state.. top choice either seattle or portland.. can be another state and we don't know yet when it will happen but with God permission it will be this year.. my husband already start looking for job and even udah banyak di kontek sama recruiter.. so finger crossed and hopefully can be sooner than we think.. and that's why kalo hamil lagi bisa-bisa rencana pindah ketunda lagi.. we've been postponed this for 2 years..

3. jarak umurnya 3 tahun, harusnya baby k udah bisa ngomong en udah bisa diomongin jadi lebih mudah, dia juga harusnya udah toilet training en she'll start pre-k.. give me some time to care for a newborn and my business..

and why i want to have baby #2

1. this is my biggest reason... i have so much love to give.. and there's more room for another one..
2. i want baby k has sibling ga cuma supaya dia ga lonely en ada temen main tapi juga belajar untuk berbagi dan berempati

Anyway Semua ini adalah rencana manusia yang tidak sempurna.. Semua tetap Tuhan yang menentukan.. Jadi berdoa, percaya, dan melakukan yang terbaik.. itu saja, amin :)


  1. Happy belated bday, Olin!! May God bless you with more strength, joy and health each and everyday. :)


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