Romantic June

Bulan Juni istimewa banget buat gw, karena kita menikah di bulan ini taon lalu :)

Gw masih inget pas hari H kita dateng ke Ayana kepagian and akhirnya tiduran di sofa dulu hahaha..

Keingetan momen pas gw walk in to chapel and its so surreal.. It was simply very beautiful moment for me. I can see the sea surrounding us, as I hold my dad I entered the chapel full of people and beautifully decorated room. At the end I saw my handsome groom, my future husband, and he smile at me. At that moment i know I chose the right men to spend the rest of my life and now a year later I thank him to proved me good men does exist.

However life isnt always a bed of roses, right? Awal memasuki bulan ini gw n hubby cukup stress ma aos package kita, boro-boro dah kepikiran anniv mau ngasih kado apa dll? Yang ada pikiran njlimet..

Disaat galau itu tau-tau hubby email ke gw: ticket ke Jakarta!

It shows the date this late June, it means he's coming for our anniversary. Yay! Im so happy! He is the best husband ever!!

Doi pun kemudian bilang kalo dia doa dan ternyata kemudian dia kepikiran ide ini, izin cuti pun dapet, langsunglah tiket dibeli Dan di email ke gw. What a Lovelu hubby <3

I can't wait to see him in 2 weeks. Thank You God


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