s*x and religion
Begitu pulang dari Canada kemarin selain nuntasin "stranger things 3" gw juga nonton "Tony Robbins" di netflix. Di salah satu segment nya si Tony nanya " apakah ada yang suicidal disini?" lalu kemudian satu persatu peserta mulai berdiri.. ga disangka cukup banyak loh ya..
Tony pun memilih untuk interview salah satu yang berdiri itu. perempuan muda, usianya baru 26 tahun, dan cantik! Saat itu gw mikir.. kira-kira ada masalah apa ya? apa kayak Tara Condell? Tara Condell ini bunuh diri dan ninggalin notes di website nya yang cukup viral. Dari luar si Tara ini bisa dibilang punya hidup yang "Sempurna". Cantik, baru 27 tahun, kerjaannya pun bagus. Tapi dia mengalami depressi yang sayangnya dia ga mencari pertolongan malah memutuskan untuk bunuh diri :(
I might not know how it feels to be depressed until suicidal akan tetapi gw pernah ngalamin depresi saat gw berumur 27. Penyebabnya : ex yang toxic and the end of our relationsh*t! However God give me grace to forget and forgive him. Looking back now i'm beyond grateful i didn't end up with him. I guess God's pill was bitter to swallow but that's what i needed.
I know its easy to said it now, pas ngejalaninnya sih HEARTBROKEN beneran!
However my 5 cent is dark isn't forever, morning will come and you'll see your problem in a different light. heck, it might not even a problem! Just one year after my heart got broken, i married my husband and i couldn't be happier!
So if you feel suicidal, please stop a moment and seek help first before doing anything. Your life's precious! masih banyak orang diluar sana yang berjuang untuk hidup dari hari kehari.. orang-orang yang kena kanker, anak bayi yang lahir dengan penyakit (yang orangtuanya mati-matian memperjuangkan kesembuhan anaknya), dan banyak lagi.. jadi jangan ambil jalan pintas. life is precious, hidupmu berarti!
Nah balik lagi ke Tony Robbins, apakah gerangan yang membuat perempuan muda itu suicidal?
jawabannya terus terang bikin gw shock.
She was part of some cult that express love and religion through s*x. She's been having intercourse since she was 6 years old! imagine 6 years old??? anak sd! sampe kira-kira dia umur 12 tapi traumanya terus berlangsung. her mom suicidal, her brother suicidal, everyone in her family! she doesn't know what love is and what kind of God that's disgusting like that?
I personally believe in God and He has done many amazing miracle in my life.. but God isn't equal religion. religion create by human! there's so many flaw to it! ada yang menggunakannya buat kepentingan politik (contohnya kasus Ahok), ada (bahkan banyak) yang memakai nya untuk memperkaya diri, dll!
But when those religion get abused segila itu to have s*x with child? i'm so MAD!
Lalu baru aja kemarin gw nonton Bachelorette Men tell all en lagi lagi gw dibuat tercengang bagaimana seseorang yang mengaku Love Jesus dan spiritual leader bisa behave seperti itu.
yes i'm talking about Luke P.
here's the copy of their conversation
Menurut gw normal banget kalo Luke pengen calon nya not sleeping around tapi.. ada tapinyaa!! he was on the reality tv show! he was on bachelorette and he knew there'll be fantasy suite there! if you can't accept it! don't go to this show dude!
Yang salah adalah cara ngomong dia yang arogan, slut shaming, and degrading! and guess what? he isn't a virgin himself!
Gw pribadi save myself for marriage and i expect my daughter to do the same thing. Tapi i will never ever think of someone less just because she want to have s*x with someone she can see a future with.
Bahkan Tuhan Yesus pun bilang, " Siapa yang tidak berdosa, hendaklah dia melempar batu yang pertama kali"
and adakah manusia yang tidak berdosa di dunia ini?
And why do i write this? why do i care?
because i have a daughter!
In this CRAZY world i want her to live by Christian value and a good moral but i don't want anyone using religion to take advantage of her! nor i want her to think she's always right (because she live a certain way according to her religion ) and everyone else a sinner.
hate the sin not the people! that's what my mom always taught me!
Especially i want my daughter to think throughly before deciding to marry someone. if that someone claim to be Christian but he's controlling, abusive, and degrading women..
Tony pun memilih untuk interview salah satu yang berdiri itu. perempuan muda, usianya baru 26 tahun, dan cantik! Saat itu gw mikir.. kira-kira ada masalah apa ya? apa kayak Tara Condell? Tara Condell ini bunuh diri dan ninggalin notes di website nya yang cukup viral. Dari luar si Tara ini bisa dibilang punya hidup yang "Sempurna". Cantik, baru 27 tahun, kerjaannya pun bagus. Tapi dia mengalami depressi yang sayangnya dia ga mencari pertolongan malah memutuskan untuk bunuh diri :(
I might not know how it feels to be depressed until suicidal akan tetapi gw pernah ngalamin depresi saat gw berumur 27. Penyebabnya : ex yang toxic and the end of our relationsh*t! However God give me grace to forget and forgive him. Looking back now i'm beyond grateful i didn't end up with him. I guess God's pill was bitter to swallow but that's what i needed.
I know its easy to said it now, pas ngejalaninnya sih HEARTBROKEN beneran!
However my 5 cent is dark isn't forever, morning will come and you'll see your problem in a different light. heck, it might not even a problem! Just one year after my heart got broken, i married my husband and i couldn't be happier!
So if you feel suicidal, please stop a moment and seek help first before doing anything. Your life's precious! masih banyak orang diluar sana yang berjuang untuk hidup dari hari kehari.. orang-orang yang kena kanker, anak bayi yang lahir dengan penyakit (yang orangtuanya mati-matian memperjuangkan kesembuhan anaknya), dan banyak lagi.. jadi jangan ambil jalan pintas. life is precious, hidupmu berarti!
Nah balik lagi ke Tony Robbins, apakah gerangan yang membuat perempuan muda itu suicidal?
jawabannya terus terang bikin gw shock.
She was part of some cult that express love and religion through s*x. She's been having intercourse since she was 6 years old! imagine 6 years old??? anak sd! sampe kira-kira dia umur 12 tapi traumanya terus berlangsung. her mom suicidal, her brother suicidal, everyone in her family! she doesn't know what love is and what kind of God that's disgusting like that?
I personally believe in God and He has done many amazing miracle in my life.. but God isn't equal religion. religion create by human! there's so many flaw to it! ada yang menggunakannya buat kepentingan politik (contohnya kasus Ahok), ada (bahkan banyak) yang memakai nya untuk memperkaya diri, dll!
But when those religion get abused segila itu to have s*x with child? i'm so MAD!
Lalu baru aja kemarin gw nonton Bachelorette Men tell all en lagi lagi gw dibuat tercengang bagaimana seseorang yang mengaku Love Jesus dan spiritual leader bisa behave seperti itu.
yes i'm talking about Luke P.
here's the copy of their conversation
Luke: Let's talk about s*x.
Hannah: Okay.
Luke: You know s*x is an incredible thing. And it's a beautiful thing. Well, you know, only when it's within the guidelines of marriage. This whole process, I've been studying Hebrews, and it talks about how marriage should be honored by everybody and how the marriage bed should be kept pure. I know you're not a virgin. We've had the talk. You know I'm not. I've been abstaining myself from s*x for, like, three and a half to four years now. And I know that regardless of what I've done in the past, I am saving myself for marriage. And I am very confident that we're on the same page with our morals. And I just want to hear it from your mouth. There's a lot of people that say they believe in something but yet they live or do things completely differently. Thinking about Fantasy Suites, I've heard people proclaim their faith but yet they've said things like, "I'm excited for Fantasy Suites. I want to explore this relationship on a s*xually intimate level, and that's what I'm looking forward to." And to me, that's like, "Whoa, what? Excuse me? There's something I'm missing here." I don't believe that's something you should be doing. I just want to make sure you're not going to be s*xually intimate with the other relationships here.
Hannah: Okay.
Luke: I totally have all the trust in the world for you, but at the same time I just want to make sure we're on the same page. If you told me you're having s*x or you had s*x with one or multiple of these guys, I'd be wanting to go home, 100%. But if that's something you're not going through, then I'm just gonna continue to grow the relationship and move on.
Hannah: Um…. S*x is a very big deal to me. And I've said I've had s*x with two people in my life and it was long relationships I thought were gonna be my husband. But some of the things you said, I don't agree with at all. And honestly, I'm kind of mad because the way you just said that is…. Why do you have the right to do that? Because you're not my husband. And you're not—
Luke: Can I cut you off for a second?
Hannah: No.
Luke: Okay.
Hannah: It's just that you're questioning me, that you're judging me and feel like you have the right to when you don't at this point. I get when you care for somebody that you don't want to think about someone being intimate with another person, but guess what? S*x might be a sin out of marriage but pride is a sin too. And I feel like this is, like, a pride thing.
Menurut gw normal banget kalo Luke pengen calon nya not sleeping around tapi.. ada tapinyaa!! he was on the reality tv show! he was on bachelorette and he knew there'll be fantasy suite there! if you can't accept it! don't go to this show dude!
Yang salah adalah cara ngomong dia yang arogan, slut shaming, and degrading! and guess what? he isn't a virgin himself!
Gw pribadi save myself for marriage and i expect my daughter to do the same thing. Tapi i will never ever think of someone less just because she want to have s*x with someone she can see a future with.
Bahkan Tuhan Yesus pun bilang, " Siapa yang tidak berdosa, hendaklah dia melempar batu yang pertama kali"
and adakah manusia yang tidak berdosa di dunia ini?
And why do i write this? why do i care?
because i have a daughter!
In this CRAZY world i want her to live by Christian value and a good moral but i don't want anyone using religion to take advantage of her! nor i want her to think she's always right (because she live a certain way according to her religion ) and everyone else a sinner.
hate the sin not the people! that's what my mom always taught me!
Especially i want my daughter to think throughly before deciding to marry someone. if that someone claim to be Christian but he's controlling, abusive, and degrading women..
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